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News & Insights
The FCC says that businesses using automated voices for telemarketing services "must also offer specified opt-out methods for the called party to make a request to stop calling that telephone number." The ruling also makes clear that the TCPA "does not allow for any carve out of technologies that purport to provide the equivalent of a live agent, thus preventing unscrupulous businesses from attempting to exploit any perceived ambiguity in our TCPA rules."
Aaron Tifft, a lawyer at Tulsa-based law firm Hall Estill, says the language in the ruling is vague enough that it's not entirely clear if businesses are also prohibited from sending AI-generated text messages in addition to calls, and that uncertainty could open up businesses to even more liability. Unless a business has received express prior written consent, Tifft says they should "absolutely stop AI-generated cold texts and cold phone calls, because the plaintiffs bar will absolutely have a field day with this ruling and apply it in punitive class actions against businesses. I'm sure I'm going to have clients get sued because of this."
Aaron Tifft began his legal practice with Hall Estill and represents clients in a broad range of general litigation matters and defending claims brought under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).
Combining his legal skill and his life-long work and experience with technology and internet systems, Aaron has defended multiple clients facing TCPA class action claims. He has a passion for advising clients on the TCPA requirements, while using his experience to help develop creative solutions to achieve compliance without harming a client's overall messaging strategy.