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Hall Estill Attorneys Hall Estill Attorneys



Diversity: A Way of Life at Hall Estill

Hall Estill is committed to attracting skilled attorneys, legal professionals and administrative staff members from all walks of life to join its ranks. Dedicated to maintaining a welcoming and inclusive culture, we encourage all individuals – regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or disability – to share their breadth of knowledge and experiences with coworkers, our clients and our communities.

Our active recruiting, hiring, retention and work/life balance programs are designed to remove institutional, attitudinal or behavioral barriers that stand in the way of providing an environment where careers and practices flourish. The Hall Estill Recruitment & Diversity Committee, which reports directly to the firm’s managing partner and Executive Committee, designs, directs and monitors the many programs and activities that support these efforts. This top-down commitment touches every member of the Hall Estill team as they join together in nourishing a firm culture that embraces differences and allows diversity to thrive.

In addition, Hall Estill provides countless opportunities for training, continuing education, professional growth and mentoring. These opportunities are available to those in positions across the firm, at every stage of their careers. In addition, we encourage the sharing of diverse insights, suggestions and experiences through formal and informal gatherings hosted at the firm and elsewhere throughout our communities.