News & Insights
News & Insights
December 2024
By: John M. Hickey
Employee Credentials - Clarification
A medical marijuana business license holder shall require all individuals employed under their license to have an active, unexpired credential prior to employment and must associate all employee credentials with the corresponding commercial license in a manner prescribed by the Authority. Each approved applicant shall be issued a credential, which shall act as proof of his or her approved status, to be worn or displayed on their person during the employee’s hours of work.
Exceptions to Rule re Multiple Licenses
Beginning November 1, 2024, no medical marijuana business premises is permitted to have multiple licenses of the same type, excluding the following:
(A) a commercial grower with a combination of an indoor or outdoor growing facility on one (1) parcel of land, For the purposes of this section, a “parcel of land” means the specific portion of land that is identified by a legal description, which is considered as a single unit for the purpose of ownership, and upon which the licensed premises is located.
(B) a licensed medical marijuana processor used by multiple licensees, and a licensed medical marijuana business that has an approved application by the Authority while the new business seeks registration from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control (OBNDD).
Laboratory Testing
If you own and operate a testing laboratory, you need to read the numerous rules changes set forth in Subchapter 8 of the OMMA Rules.
If you own and operate a grow, processor and/or dispensary, you will likewise want to read the numerous rule changes as many are applicable to your business as well.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact a member of our team.